Bona fide snowmaking cred.
Latitude 90 is one of the few companies around the globe that specializes in developing sophisticated snowmaking technology and equipment that can be used in any weather conditions. And we mean ANY. Located in Québec City, Canada, one of the winter capitals of the world, Latitude 90 has years of field—and mountain—experience under its snowmaking belt.
Our team of snowologists have a distinctive expertise in designing innovative, high-performance, robust energy-efficient snow making machines. Their obsession with making high-quality snow knows no bounds.

Formerly known as Snöflake
Latitude 90 is the new brand name of our company, which was traditionally called Snöflake. We offer the same quality, service and innovative expertise Snöflake was renowned for!

Latitude 90 :
The story behind the brand
Geography buffs know: The North Pole’s latitude is 90 degrees N. Our new brand name comes from its arctic landscape, with dramatic icebergs, glaciers, taiga, tundra, and, of course, pristine snow. At Latitude 90, we pay tribute to the North Pole and its winter wildness by developing snow making machines that can recreate the snow found in that legendary, albeit mythical, location on top of the world.